MEDIA CONTACT: Cody Hefner (513) 608-5777,


Three galleries opening in Cincinnati History Museum in March, April

辛辛那提-辛辛那提博物馆中心(CMC)正在继续改善其博物馆体验,今年春天在其辛辛那提历史博物馆增加和扩建了三个画廊. The additions are part of CMC’s ongoing rollout of a dynamic new CMC.

Cincinnati in Motion expands March 20

辛辛那提历史博物馆最受欢迎的展品之一以新的活力和诠释重新回到了轨道上. Cincinnati in Motion, CMC’s S-scale model of the city, recreates the downtown in the 1940s, complete with Carew Tower, City Hall, Plum Street Temple, the Roebling Bridge and streetcars rattling through the streets. 新增的展示以不同年代的辛辛那提社区为特色, including the West End in the 1930s, Mt Adams in the 1920s, Spring Grove/Ivorydale in the 1910s and Over-the-Rhine/Mt. Auburn in the 1900s. 客人们会喜欢新的互动机会,以火车的视角浏览模型, hear and smell details from well-known locations, and even see replacement pieces for the model being 3D printed.

In addition to the new experience in Cincinnati in Motion, guests can return to their favorite prominent landmarks, such as Union Terminal, Music Hall, the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and the city’s inclines. In total, the 4,000-square-foot display features more than 1,200 buildings, 18 running locomotives, four operational inclines, over 500 vehicles and 2,000 people. 包括消防栓、狗、手推车、马和路灯在内的细节有助于使布局栩栩如生. 一个照明周期将城市从白天转变为夜晚.

Shaping Our City – opening March 20
Adjacent to Cincinnati in Motion, Shaping Our City 探索几个世纪以来,河流、铁路和公路如何塑造和定义了我们的地区. Transportation has spurred and been spurred by innovation, which Shaping Our City 展示通过车辆,地图,对象和互动元素的选择. 交通运输虽然提供了通道,但也阻碍了通道的畅通. 新画廊探讨的问题之一是辛辛那提的城市设计是如何将城市和人民联系在一起的.

Shaping Our City 从一艘桦树皮独木舟开始,这种独木舟的风格是印第安人在俄亥俄河上航行时使用的, Little Miami and Licking rivers from 1700-1810. 其他文物突出了河流作为早期贸易和运输路线的重要性, leading to both Native American and white settlement of the region. Train and steam boat models, 火车汽笛声和感官站将早期蒸汽旅行的时代带入生活. 从1860年到1920年,居民扩展到河流域以外, climbing the surrounding hills with inclines and streetcars. CMC’s orange streetcar punctuates this hub, 邀请客人乘坐视频和音频重现20世纪10年代三种不同的辛辛那提有轨电车之旅, 30s and 40s.

Shaping Our City 还描绘了20世纪上半叶纽约为集中交通所做的努力, including the building of Union Terminal. 一辆复古的克罗斯利超级旅行车和来自CMC的凯尼恩·巴尔收藏的照片讲述了汽车文化如何改变我们城市及其社区的景观, most notably through the construction of highway I-75.

As transportation continues to change, 这个展览让参观者预测自动驾驶汽车将如何, scooters, bike shares, 拼车和我们今天做出的其他选择将继续塑造我们的城市.

You Are Here – opening April 17
将于4月17日在辛辛那提历史博物馆的下层开幕, You Are Here will share stories of Cincinnati’s history – its people, places, 传统和斗争——激发了人们对城市生活的好奇, is and can be. 展览围绕三个主题展开:生活在这里,工作在这里,娱乐在这里.

People from diverse backgrounds have made Cincinnati their home. 《网上赌搏网站十大排行》考察了他们是如何塑造并继续塑造这座城市的. 物品和展示突出了辛辛那提丰富的社区传统和身份, including schools, faiths and home life. 从CMC的收藏和公众提交的作品中收集的家庭录像和照片汇编,展示了日常生活的快照. 辛辛那提计数互动邀请客人权衡各种问题,并将他们的答案与其他人的答案进行比较, 而另一个则展示了过去和现在著名居民的股票报价.

Cincinnati has also long been a destination for job seekers, entrepreneurs and residents working to pay the bills. The Working Here section explores the way jobs, 工作和志愿服务有助于个人身份和城市的特点. 计时器互动包括带有问题或陈述的考勤卡,挑战客人将自己描绘成昨天辛辛那提的一名工人——“你是20世纪20年代的一名女性. Where can you find work?” or “It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it!” Among the industries featured is our city’s unique food industry, with objects paying homage to our chili, goetta, beer and the people who make them. 通信方式在过去几十年中发生的变化也将包括在本节中, with a range of phonographs, typewriters, fax machines, flip phones and more. 嘉宾们也将有机会以互动的方式了解一些历史, as they become newscasters for prominent stories from the past.

The Playing Here section of You Are Here 纪念辛辛那提人早就知道的:一起玩乐是我们城市的标志. Among our city’s long sports history, the Reds, Bengals, Royals, 辛辛那提足球俱乐部(FC Cincinnati)和拳击手伊扎德·查尔斯(Ezzard Charles)都有纪念品, stadium seats and ticket stubs. 一本互动翻页书分享了辛辛那提许多游行和节日的故事,包括啤酒节, the May Festival and Opening Day Parade, 香味互动提醒客人他们在棒球场或参观动物园时最喜欢的食物是什么味道. 壁画工作室互动让客人创造自己的公共艺术作品, akin to the ArtWorks murals and BLINK displays.

CMC将继续改善其博物馆体验,并计划在2020年进一步开设画廊和扩大展览. Building on its highest-attended year ever with 1.8 million visits, CMC unites science, history and play to offer unique, multi-disciplinary experiences as only CMC can.

About Cincinnati Museum Center
辛辛那提博物馆中心(CMC)在联合航站楼是一个国家认可的机构和国家历史地标. Dedicated to sparking community dialogue, insight and inspiration, 2009年被美国博物馆与图书馆协会授予国家博物馆与图书馆服务奖章,2012年获得美国博物馆联盟认证. CMC是全国少数几个同时拥有这两项荣誉的博物馆之一, making it a unique asset and a vital community resource. 联合航站楼被美国建筑师协会评为美国第45座最重要的建筑. Organizations within CMC include the Cincinnati History Museum, Duke Energy Children's Museum, Museum of Natural History & Science, Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater and Cincinnati History Library & Archives. 被福布斯旅行者杂志评为全国第17大参观人数最多的博物馆, CMC welcomes more than one million visitors annually. For more information, visit